- Världen idag - "29 minuter ägnades helt åt abortfrågan i Sverige Radios program Radiokorre-spondenterna i söndags. Flera olika personer fick komma till tals i inslaget – samtliga var abortförespråkare. – Det är skrattretande. Ska detta vara public service? säger Mats Selander från organisationen Människorätt för ofödda."
Läs mer HÄR.
Vem håller i kopplet till ditt inre djur?
- Åsa Molin i Dagen - "På en dörr i gymnastiksalen där min son tränar taekwondo sitter en slarvigt upptejpad lapp. Vid det här laget har jag läst den många gånger, ögonen dras på något sätt automatiskt till bokstäverna.
På lappen står det: En äldre indian kallade till sig sitt barnbarn och sa:
”Inuti mig finns det två vargar. En varg är elak och ond, den andra är vänlig och god. De två vargarna befinner sig ständigt i strid med varandra.”
Barnet tittade då upp på den gamle mannen och frågade: ”Vilken varg vinner?
Indianen var tyst ett tag och svarade sedan: ”Den som jag matar.”
Läs mer HÄR.
In English: Luck Is For Pagans
- Major Danielle Strickland - "There is a saying in my family, “Luck is for pagans.” My nine-year-old son grew up saying it and we find it hilarious most of the time—awkward at others. The most striking thing about his response is realizing how much we use the term. It seems superstition laced with fatalism is running rampant in the world—even in the Christian community.
- Major Danielle Strickland - "There is a saying in my family, “Luck is for pagans.” My nine-year-old son grew up saying it and we find it hilarious most of the time—awkward at others. The most striking thing about his response is realizing how much we use the term. It seems superstition laced with fatalism is running rampant in the world—even in the Christian community.
While speaking with a Christian woman the
other day about a trying circumstance, she responded, “Oh
well, whatever will be, will be.” Really, I thought? That’s
the best we’ve got?
The other familiar string of fatalism is the
idea that God wants us to go through every difficult situation
for some cosmic reckoning. I know a recovering drug addict who
has been horribly abused by nearly every male figure in her
life. She recently told me that she knows God allowed it all
to happen for a reason.
But what reason would God have to allow one
of his children to be abused? Now, don’t get me wrong, I
believe with my whole heart that God can and will use
absolutely everything and redeem it all for his glory. But God
never allows horrible things to happen for some kind of divine
reason. Horrible things happen to us for many reasons. Among
them are sin, death, evil, the enemy who seeks to kill, steal
and destroy. Life isn’t fair, but that is never how God
intended it to be."Read more on JAC online HERE.
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